Friday, November 29, 2013

No Lines This Black Friday

With the Christmas holiday fast approaching one of the biggest shopping weekends is the one right after Thanksgiving. Year, after year, the media covers stories of people camping outside in line, fights breaking out in the stores, and stampedes into the stores when the doors open just to make sure shoppers get the deal they were looking for.  Here are a few helpful tips and hints if you are going to brave the lines and the traffic on this holiday sale weekend.

Let Black Friday Sites and Apps Help you Plan a Strategy 

Search for holiday bargains you’re hunting for on the internet and mobile apps. Doing a Google search for 'Black Friday Sales" it will bring up a ton of info.

“The best Black Friday deals can be found on the apps specific to Black Friday,” such as and to name a few.

These apps aggregate all the Black Friday deals for you by category, retailer and by ‘newest.’

Map It Out
After finding the items you are looking for, plan a route which will let you get to each store with out going out of the way. There are shoppers will will wait overnight or even days to get the deal they are looking for, so your goal is to make a plan of attack so you can get your items and to the stores you need to in as less time possible.

Dress For The Cold
If you are waiting in line and you live where the temps are cold, make sure to dress warm enough that you can handle it. Shoppers decide to brave the cold and stand in line for hours only to have to leave or wait in the car because they did not dress appropriately. 

Lastly, Shop Online! Never dismiss the fact that Black Friday Deals are only great in stores. Though CyberMonday is a great day to shop online, there are also many deals that you can find online starting even the same week of Thanksgiving. You can do a search for Cybermonday deals but also remember to check out the items you are looking for online because sometimes they have the same deals or in some cases even better deals and you do not have to wait in any lines, or get up at the brink of dawn.

You can check out as our Holiday Sales Event runs through Monday!!!! (No lines, No cold, no hassle) We have something for everyone!

Well, we hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving and hope that if you did brave the stores on Black Friday you found what you were looking for and did not get trampled on in the process. Now sit back and prop your feet up, by now, you need to take a break and relax!

Thank you for being a part of


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving! Wait, it's Thanksgiving?

When the holiday season comes around, most of the times we are moving at the speed of light. We are trying to get shopping done, baking and cooking finished, visiting family and friends, creating a gift list and shopping plan, or decorating. We some times never get the time to really sit back and enjoy ourselves, or the company of others, or count our blessings and all the wonderful things we are thankful for.

This Thanksgiving wants to remind you to stop for at least a few minutes and take a look around and let the holiday sink in. Take some time to enjoy your surroundings, enjoy precious moments with loved ones, really taste the amazing food you either spent days cooking or someone else put their heart into making it. Perhaps spend some time volunteering helping others who are less fortunate. What ever it is you do for the holidays or what ever traditions you have, make sure you really take the time to enjoy all of the hard work you and others have put into it.

During the year, we are super busy with our daily routines, work, play, family, and all of life's hurdles, we sometimes take life for granite and it just passes us by! So just a reminder, and this isn't really just for today or all the holidays, remind yourself every day to stop and enjoy life, and how wonderful you are, your family and friends are, count all the wonderful blessings you have, think of the less fortunate and be kind, be thankful and enjoy life! would like to wish you and your friends and family a very Happy, Safe, and wonderful Thanksgiving! We are Thankful to have such wonderful patrons, and  are so Thankful for all of your kind words and support! We are truly blessed! Thanks again and  Enjoy your day!

Thank you for being a part of
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Budgeting For Holiday Shopping

If you are someone who counts how many paychecks that are left before Christmas or if you are still paying for your holiday shopping in July, you may want to consider a holiday budget that will ease
the stress and financial strain of gift shopping.

There are plenty of ways to start a holiday budget, if you have the discipline and follow your plan, when the holiday shopping season comes around, you will be able to check off that gift list and not have to stress about your gift finances before and after Christmas.

The first easy tip is to shop early or through out the year. Buying gifts throughout the year will ease that all in one or two months bulk spending, if you shop through out the year  you can set a certain amount to spend each month so you do not have to use a big chunk of your finances all at once. If you do shop through out the year, make sure to jot down where you hid all the presents so you are sure to find them in time for the holidays! (No laughing, this has happened in my family Ha-Ha)

One of the old fashion ways to save for your holiday shopping is right through you own bank. Some bank offer whats called a Christmas Club or you can choose a certain amount and each week have this amount automatically deducted and transferred to a savings account or any account you do not touch and this amount will add up and you will have a gift fund.

Making a list of gifts to buy and then searching for those items to find them on sale is another great way to save some holiday cash. There are instances where it may be time consuming or frustrating as some items that are on the list fly off shelves with in minutes of the sale day store opening. Taking some time to plan and do research can not only save you money but also time and aggravation. (Remember if you are standing in line over night, pack that extra blanket and a pair of gloves)

Creating a plan and budget may seem scarey, but it is a lot easier than you think. You can use the old pen and paper and create your plan of action, there are also many templates you can search for on line that you can download and fill in yourself, and there are many phone apps that will search for the best deals and compare items that you are looking for. No need to stress because there are many helping hands out there to get you through the holiday season!

The last and final tip is when doing your budget, make sure to plan ahead for things other then gifts. For example: Holiday Decorations, Holiday Parties, Holiday Cards, Wrapping Paper, and you can't forget the Cookies, Milk, and Carrots!

All these things will help ease your mind during the holidays so you can get your shopping done and make sure you have the finances to do it.

If you have a tip that you do not see on the list or have a special plan that helps you, please share it in the comments, knowledge is power, let's help each other out and enjoy a less stressful holiday season!

Have a great one and thank you for being a part of


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We are proud to announce the opening of We are excited to offer you a place where you can find gift baskets and unique gifts for every occasion, even for the hardest person to buy for! On our store site you can page through a large catalog of products to find the perfect gifts or use our gift finder to give you ideas for that special someone or special event. We are on many of the popular social networks, for example Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+ (Use the network address and then Giftsbeyond) so you can follow us for special discounts, new arrival announcements, and news on these networks listed as well as more networks to come! You can sign up for our mailing list on our website as well as even sign up for a gift registry. We also have a guest book in which you can leave feedback, rate products, and even make requests. At we want to make sure your special event is even more amazing! Thank you so much for your support and business and we look forward to helping you in all of your future needs! Sincerely,
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