Monday, December 30, 2013

A New Year Is Coming, So Are The Resolutions!


Well 2013 is slowly coming to an end and with that being said, it has been a great year and hopes you had an amazing year as well. One thing that is all the buzz as this year wraps up, well when every year wraps up is, What is your New Year's Resolution ?

Year after year new resolutions are made. Some resoultions are about living a healthier lifesytle and possibly losing weight, others range from learning something new like a language or taking piano lessions, some resolitions even are to enjoy life more and have fun! What ever the resolution is, some people take it very seriously, some only last a few weeks, some pick a resolution as a joke, and others choose not to have any at all.

According to the New Year's statistics study by the University Of Scranton Journal of Clinical Psychology, only 45% of Americans make New Year's Resolutions. (You can see the whole study and results by clicking HERE).
 So would like to know:

Do you have a New Year's Resolution? If so what is it?
Have you tried this resolution before? If so, what happened that you are doing it again?

Let's see how things match up on this study. Share your resolutions in the comments section and once we get enough, we will do a post on the results.

Thank you for being a part of


Monday, December 23, 2013

O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree

If you celebrate Christmas, a Christmas tree is one of the most traditional and festive decorations that you will see and it is also very symbolic. Going back possibly to the 16th century, this holiday beacon has many different meanings to many different people and the way a Christmas tree can be decorated can fall to limitless possibilities.

Christmas trees usually start showing up (At least in the U.S.) around the American holiday Thanksgiving. Some retail stores even go as far as displaying and selling artificial Christmas Trees at the end of October. While there are many variations of Christmas tree's that retail stores sell, there is surly many options for everyone. 

Some people prefer artificial tree's. The vast selection that is available can fit any type of style you are looking for. There are Fiber Optic Tree's, Tinsel Trees, Candy Cane Tree's,  Frosted Tree's, and the list of replicated traditional like Firs, Spruce, and Pine Tree's.

Some people prefer fresh cut tree's over artificial tree's and some of the reasons are the aroma it brings into the home, some say it smells like Christmas. Other reasons may be that it is biodegradable and could be used for other things when the holidays are finished and it is taken down. Another is it is a tradition. Every year it can be an event to go out together and pick the perfect tree for your home, something that can be special and bring people together as a holiday tradition. What ever type of tree you enjoy, there are many options in choosing one.

After choosing the right style and size for your tree, the next step is setting it up and decorating it. There are so many styles for decorating a tree, it comes down to your own personal taste and how you want it to look. The Christmas tree was traditionally decorated with edibles such as apples, nuts or other foods. In the 18th century, it began to be illuminated by candles, which with electrification could also be replaced by Christmas lights. Today, there are a wide variety of traditional ornaments, such as garland, tinsel, and candy canes. An angel or star may be placed at the top of the tree to represent the angel Gabriel or the Star of Bethlehem from the Nativity. No matter what your taste or style is, the personalization and decorating of a Christmas tree is something that can looked forward to each holiday season, and can create many special memories each year.

Some households put up their tree on December 24th, Christmas Eve, some put it up at the end of November, each household has their own traditions of what kind of tree they use, when the tree goes up, and how it is decorated. What ever the case may be, the Christmas Tree is inconic and it brightens up the lives and homes of those who celebrate this festive holiday.

We want to hear from you! We want to know, what type of tree do you use? When do you usually put it up and decorate it! We also want to know do you have any traditions when putting up your tree? Feel free to email us photos of your tree at ( Let us know your name and location and we will do a blog post and post your pictures. We look forward to seeing all those amazing tree's.

As always,

Thank you for being a part of

****( Any pictures that are submitted will only be used for the sole purpose of this blog post and a re post to showcase the amazing picture of your Christmas Tree. It will not be used for any other purpose)*****

Sunday, December 15, 2013

What Is Your Must Have Holiday Foods

One of the most universal components of a holiday is food. Whether it is a whole feast, a snack, a dessert, or some type of treat, there is usually some type of recipe or certain food that people love and must have at least at that point of the year.

Some people may have a Ham or Turkey , Vegetarians may decide on a Vegetable Wellington, some families may have a huge tray of lasagna, what ever the celebration, most people have that one or two special items that are a must and they may even look forward to these items all year long. Main courses, side dishes, snacks, and desserts, what ever the case, these items are ones that all you have to do is think of them and you can actually taste or smell them in their minds.

Desserts and sweets play a big part in holidays as well.  Fall holidays boast Pumpkin Roll , Caramel Apples, and candy while the summer holidays may bring Raspberry Lemonade Pie or Patriotic Berry Trifle.  The choices of sweets and desserts are just immense, so for what ever holiday you celebrate  or what ever the season of the year, there is always some type of food or snack that is special and relevant to the celebration. These items are usually the one that you look forward to every year and something that brings back fond memories.

Food is a very powerful thing when it comes to celebrations and holidays. would like to hear what holiday edible must haves are on your list, or what type of edibles do you look forward to each year or each holiday. Let us know what the holiday is and what the food or snack is, if you are feeling in a giving mood, share you recipe with us so we can try some of that delicious food.  We can't wait to see what tops the list!

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Protect Your Pet During The Holidays

The Holidays are a time for family and friends to celebrate and enjoy each others company. A lot of times, families include their favorite furry companions in this celebration. From giving them gifts, to dressing them up for the holidays, to giving them tasty treats. While pets enjoy being loved and being part of the family, there are a few things you have to watch out for when the holidays come around
  • Giving your pet food from your holiday dinner can cause problems. Foods too rich, too fatty or too spicy or anything your pet's not accustomed to can cause a intestinal irritation. For some animals, this tasty treat can trigger a serious inflammation of the pancreas or intestine, and that means a life-threatening illness. Things to avoid: Anything you wouldn't eat your pet should avoid, too. While a tiny bit of meat like beef or poultry won't hurt your pet and would be appreciated, stay clear of the fatty parts and poultry skin, which also harbors a lot of fat. Chocolate is extremely tasty to dogs but also very toxic and may be deadly to the little dog who eats  a good-sized piece. Make sure to keep that holiday candy dish out of their reach.
  • Bones and Foreign Object play a huge part in holiday issues for your pets. Cooked poultry bones may seem like the perfect gift for the pet who has everything, but do them a favor and save them for the soup.  Even the largest cooked turkey bones are prone to splintering, sending shards through the animal's intestines. Should one pierce through the lining, the result can be deadly peritonitis.  (Low-sodium poultry broth is a wonderful treat poured over your pet's regular food.) While cooked poultry bones are out, some raw or cooked beef bones can be safely substituted. Knuckle bones (for large dogs) and oxtails (for small ones) stand up to the most vigorous gnawing, providing your pet with plenty of tasty and scrumptious fun. Supervise your dog's chewing, and throw bones out after a few hours of chewing or if they get broken into pieces that can be swallowed.
  • Holiday decorations can also be very hazardous to your pets. The Christmas tree is full of hazards for dogs and cats. Tinsel can be an appealing target for play, but if ingested, it can twist up the intestines. This is a particular danger to cats and kittens, who seem to find tinsel along with string, ribbon and yarn especially appealing to play with and eat. Christmas Ornaments, too, are deadly in the mouths and stomachs of pets as they can get lodged in their throats, can be toxic, or block the intestinal track. Even the water at the base of the Christmas tree contains secretions that can at the very least cause a stomachache. Light strings are no good for chewing, and the whole tree can come down on the cat climbing through out its branches. Some dogs may even be inclined to ignore the house-broken rule and decide to relieve themselves on a freshly cut tree. In their eyes, why else would anyone bring a fresh cut tree into the house? The best way to keep your pets out of tree trouble is by making the tree off-limits unless you're there to supervise. Putting the tree in a room with a door you can close or gating off the room completely is probably the easiest solution.
  • Holiday plants such as mistletoe may look intriguing to your pet, but they're also toxic, as are the bulbs of the amaryllis plant. Make sure to keep plants out of reach so they are not mistaken for a tasty treat.   
These are just a few key things to look out for around the holidays. Your pet will love you for their holiday gifts and including them in your holiday celebration, but they will also lover you for keeping them safe. 

Do you have any ideas or warnings that aren't listed here? Leave some comments and share in protecting the family pet during the holiday season.

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Monday, December 2, 2013

Holiday Traditions


Well, it's that time of year again, December is upon us and the holidays are fast approaching!

Christmas time has many different meanings to many different people who celebrate it. Christmas is also celebrated differently around the world for those who celebrate it. Typically those who celebrate Christmas may have a tradition that they uphold every year at Christmas time.

A few examples of some holiday traditions are baking Christmas Cookies with a group of family or friends, Go Christmas Caroling, Use an advent calendar to count down to Christmas, or watch your favorite holiday movies! What ever tradition you have chosen, this is something that you do every year at Christmas time. There are people who have these traditions and for some time do not even realize it,  but as they do it each year, they realize this is something that they have done every year for some time now.

Traditions are something that people hold dear to there heart, something they can do to be together with friends and family, something that will break up a hectic schedule and no matter what is going on,  you make time for that special tradition. wants to know if you have a holiday tradition? If you celebrate Christmas, do you have a tradition that you do each year? Why is this tradition special to you? Let us know, we would love to see all the amazing things that you do, and maybe it will give some ideas to people who would like to start a tradition, but just not sure what to do! What ever it is, we would love to hear about it!

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